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Research Infrastructure Core

Research Infrastructure Core

Aim 1. Acquire, maintain, and operate shared analytical and bioanalytical instrumentation that will be utilized by not only the basic biomedical research projects and pilot projects to be funded by the current RCMI application, but also all Xavier investigators across a broad range of health-related research areas. The RIC will provide essential instrumental and technical support for Xavier’s biomedical research projects that rely on the availability of functioning major equipment.

Aim 2. Form a faculty expertise group (FEG) to provide faculty-level expertise in research methodology, specialized laboratory techniques, statistics, bioinformatics and health informatics. The FEG will consist of senior faculty members with research expertise in experimental design and research strategy on drug discovery and formulation, cell and molecular biology, mechanistic investigations, and data processing using various bioinformatics and biostatistics tools drug discovery, drug delivery, cell and molecular biology, bioinformatics, and analytical instrumentation.

Aim 3. Implement an effective cost recovery program for the Research Infrastructure Core. RIC will continue to use a fee charging system started in 2012. The FEG will oversee the charge back process and maintain account balance. The fees collected will continue to be used to partially defray the cost of consumable parts and unexpected repair costs needed for the core facilities. Additional measures will be implemented to increase cost recovery of core facilities by underwriting core staff efforts in external grant applications by Xavier investigators.

Sub cores:

Major Instrument Core

Director: Vladimir Kolesnichenko,, (504)520-5430


Drug Delivery Core

Core Co-Manager: Tarun Mandal,, (504)520-7442

Core Co-Manager: Levon Bostanian,, (504)520-7423


Drug Discovery Core

Core Manager:  Guangdi Wang,, (504)520-5076


Bioinformatics Core

Core Manager: Kun Zhang,, (504)520-6700


Cell and Molecular Biology Core

Core Manager: Thomas Wiese,, (504)520-7433

Co-Director: Vladimir Kolesnichenko

(504) 520-5430

Co-Director: Christopher Williams

(504) 520-7435